Home Flooring Options & Installations
Flooring throughout your home is reflection of your comfort and style. A variety of flooring options are available. Depending on your preference, location in your home, and cost.
Flooring Options listed below: Carpeting, Vinyl, Wood, Laminated, Bamboo, Cork and Ceramic Flooring
Most popular flooring is carpeting. Economical suitable for all budgets, and styles. Certain factors to consider when choosing a carpet: Nylon is a synthetic fiber, best for strength and abrasion resistant, available in a wide price range, resist moth, mildew and fungi. Disadvantages: Stained by oil and grease. Also, degrades and fades in sunlight. Wool carpeting is natural fiber shorn from sheep, resist crushing, provides natural flame resistance, and best carpeting money can buy. Disadvantages: Very expensive, and soils easily. Olefin (polypropylene) carpeting: Abrasive resistance fiber, and strong fiber, no static problem. Disadvantages: limited choice of color, grabs onto oil / grease, dry-cleaning solvents degrade fibers, and inexpensive. Polyester carpeting is naturally stain resistant fiber, has no dye sites, and crush resistant. Disadvantages: Not durable than nylon carpets, and expensive.

What you need to consider, when examine a carpet: Twist refers to number of times individual fibers are twisted. Preferable the tighter the twist, the better the carpet will retain its appearance. Pile Density refers to thickness and closeness of the pile yarn. Purchasing a High Density carpet is more desirable. This can be noticeable, when trying to wiggle a finger all the way down into the carpet. Upon any resistance is a better quality carpet. Common feature that carpets will have a stain - repellent coating, that will allow liquids to bead up on the surface, instead of getting absorbed. This makes cleaning much easier.
Carpet cushion or carpet underlay should be installed before the carpet. This will improve insulationfor the carpet, reduce the impact of foot traffic, enhances comfort, and prolongs appearance. Carpet cushions are made from urethane, jute (burlap), synthetic fiber or rubber. Most commonly sold in quarter or half inch height. Carpet installation should preferable be done by a professional, and adhering to manufactures guidelines for installation. The cost for installation should be included in the purchase price, and purchased from a reputable retailer. Sometimes additional charge added, for moving furniture. The underlying surface should be smooth, and any cracks, holes, joints or protrusions have to be fixed or removed. Essential tools are necessary, such as power stretcher and knee carpet kicker to prevent future wrinkles, in the carpet. Carpet seam edges must be sealed with adhesive. After installation, vacuum carpet to remove loose fibers.

Vinyl Flooring (resilient flooring) is versatile and low maintenance, since first being installed, during World War Two. According to Floor Covering Weekly publication, most popular hard surface flooring, in the United States. Designed for heavy - traffic locations such as kitchens, and hallways. Vinyl floors are available in either tile or sheet form. Recent years, vinyl flooring has improved with new technology, which provides better durability against rips, tears, and gouges. Vinyl Flooring cost less than hard surface floors. Surface where installation of vinyl flooring should be clean, smooth, and high quality. Also, installation can be over wood, concrete, and in some cases over existing flooring. During installation, the room should be not be less than 65 degrees

Fahrenheit, dry sub-floor, room well ventilated, and low humidity. There are two types of sheets available for vinyl flooring during installation. Perimeter bond material is glued around the outside edge of the sheet. Fully bonded vinyl sheet, and adhesive is applied to the entire floor. Making a template of the area ensures better installation. Tools that are necessary include notched trowl that spread-adhesive, and hand roller to embed the vinyl along the edges and seams. Also, using a hundred pound roller, which to set the majority of the flooring to the glue. When locating and hiring professional vinyl floor professionals: Should provide samples, take measurements, remove any existing floor, prepare the foundation, proceed with the installation having all the necessary supplies, and provide a warranty.

Engineered Wood Flooring are different layers of wood fiber, each cut at a right angle, which provides each attachment to neighboring piece. Top layer is a veneer of a hardwood, which is pre-stained and pre-finished with a tough clear coat. Hardwood floors that are installed without any preparation, may take several days, after installation to be sanded and sealed. Advantages are better for holding heat, lesser chance of pulling apart and forming seams in the floor, and ease of installation. An adhesive is applied to either the underside of the flooring or in the tongue and grove joint. Also, staples are applied, at 45 degrees angle with a pneumatic air nailer. The floor can be walked on after installation, compared to installing a floor that only adhesive was applied, and needs time to dry. If wood flooring is to expensive, then an alternative solution is salvage hardwood flooring, which can be one-half the cost of new hardwood flooring. Salvage flooring is available in pine, spruce, fir, and hemlock. Salvage wood may contain nails or foreign objects previously used, which need to be removed carefully, before sanding or treating the wood.

Laminated Flooring ("floating" flooring system) is the most resistant and durable, compared to hardwood or vinyl floors, especially for high traffic areas, kids and household pets. This type of flooring, for more then twenty years has been fashionable in Europe and has been gaining popularity in United State, since 1997. The flooring simulates wood grain (oak, birch, walnut, mahogany, and driftwood), marble or stone, which is like Formica seen on counter tops. Also, continues to look good after years of wear and tear. According to 'Shaw Laminates': "Laminate flooring consists of four main components that are bonded together. A wear-resistant decorative surface made of resin-based melamine/aluminum oxide is bonded to a moisture resistant wood composition-based core. A balancing backing is bonded to the underside of the core. On the top is a clear sheet of aluminum oxide, which provides the protection and stain resistance. Since the resin-filled wear layer is so dense, it becomes extremely difficult to stain, stretch or burn. " Living in a home or residence during average life-span, carpets will need to be replaced two or three times, and hardwood floors will need to be refinished four to five times. However, laminated floors will not need to be replaced. Most laminated floor manufactures will offer triple warranty protection against stains, fading, and moisture damage for twenty-five years. Any spills and messes can be easily be cleaned with soap and water. Laminated cost more then vinyl floors and are sold by square foot. When installing laminated flooring, there is no need to use any glue, because floors simply need to be cut to size, clicked together, and ready to walk on or place any furniture. Professional installation can be done quickly, compared to installing yourself, which can take two to three hours longer.
Bamboo flooring has flourished for centuries in the Pacific Rim. Bamboo stems are sliced into strips, boiled in water with a preservative, pressed flat, and processed into laminated boards. Nearly all bamboo flooring produced in southern Chinese province of Hunan. This type of flooring is similar to wood flooring, and available in light, honey or natural color or darker amber color. Also, according to height, available in half-inch, five-eighth of an inch, or three-quarter's of inch thickness. Bamboo flooring is dent resistance. Cost is more expensive than hardwood floors, and installation is like standard hardwood flooring. Warranties for Bamboo flooring, is common for five to twenty-five years.
Cork Flooring is durable, antistatic, sound absorbing, insulating (both heat and cold), and provide relief from most allergies. The material is made from bark of a cork oak tree. On the surface, a polyurethane application is applied to protect the cork and allows for easy maintenance. Recommended for kitchens, bathrooms, and children rooms. Cork flooring can be glued-down or installed by a glue-less interlocking system. Disadvantages using this type of flooring, cork will yellow with age, and not recommended applying any
wet mop, which may cause the seams to swell. If cork flooring is installed in a basement, then a moisture barrier needs to be installed first. When installing over a radiant heating system, the floor will take longer to warm, and never use a cork flooring, when any adhesive had been previously applied, since the heat will loosen any adhesive. Suggested cost for material ranging from $5.00 to $8.00 for Floating Floor plank, plus additional costs for installation.
Ceramic floor tiles are made of natural clay, and decorated on one side with a colored glaze. Unglazed ceramic tiles are more durable in heavy traffic areas, and require more cleaning. These tiles are red quarry or granite looking porcelain ceramic. Ceramic tiles are manufactured, in high temperature ovens, makes them almost unbreakable, when laid. Ceramic tiles are water, stain and spillage resistant. Also, prevent humidity can cause dust mites and fungi. Never use ammonia based cleaners, because this may discolor the grout. These tiles are available in porcelain, quarry, Mexican or terrazzo (Pre-manufactured consisting of marble or granite chips) and available in different colors and patterns. Ceramic tiles with bright reflective surfaces or glaze finish, are poor abrasive resistance, and more likely to pose a hazard, causing someone to slip. When ordering tiles for installation, always order extra tiles, in case any crack or break while cutting. Also, have extras for any accidental damage, in the future. Recommended laying the pattern of tiles on a paper, to get clear indication how the tiles will appear once installed. Average cost for ceramic tiles can range from: $2.00 - $50 a square foot, depending on the type of tiles (Some manufactured tiles are imported.), plus the cost for grout and labor.
During installation, floor tile cutting tool will be needed,
wooden stick and a mark to the tiles along a length, and use it as a tile gauge. Also, using a waterproof and floor adhesive. After the tiles had time to set and dried, then applying grout between each tile. Grouts are available in white, gray or brown.