In my journey for
green laundry products, I look for several qualities. They must be: earth friendly, biodegradable, low carbon footprint and cost conscious products. Around 1994, I found green cleaning products that met my needs. The company is called Miracle 2 and I purchased several of their products including a laundry ball. I have used the laundry ball since then and review it in this article.
These products are safe for the earth and actually neutralize chemicals. I was so impressed with these green cleaning products, I became a vendor for the company for a few years. I have not worked for them for about 9 years now.

Green Cleaning Products: Laundry Ball
The laundry ball is a rubber ball injected with Miracle 2 soap and neutralizer. The ball is guaranteed for as long as the rubber lasts. My rubber ball looks the same as when I purchased it in 1994. It shows no signs of wear and tear. The laundry ball pays for itself in 3 years so basically, my laundry has been free for 12 years.
The laundry ball also softens clothing. This is another money and green footprint savings since softeners are not needed. I have used the ball for whites and colors in my wash. And it's funny, but I like to put the ball under my feet and roll them on it. Since the ball is spiked, it feels good and seems to energize my feet. I also use the laundry ball in my bath when I soak. It energizes and cleans even though I use soap too.
In fact, there are numerous spectacular reports of using the bath water on plants. Some reports are how well the plants grew from the water. Other reports are how the water cured sick plants. I know these are only testimonials but when you see it with your own eyes, it makes a believer out of you. When you start using green cleaning products, they can become very multi-functional. I have a facial product that can also be consumed as food. I know, it sounds weird! And no, I haven't tasted it. Of course, I try to use it when I'm not hungry. Okay, that's a corny joke. Sorry, it just had to be brought up.

Anyway, I learned the Miracle 2 products are eloptically-energized and neutralize toxins. The only way I know to explain this is it is like ionized water. A waterfall discharges negative ions which is a good thing. Positive ions are what give people radiation so negative ions neutralize that. A charged cleaning product may not seem natural. However, the friend that introduced me to the company actually consumes tiny amounts of the products to detox the body. I met several people who use the products for detox.
Green Cleaning Products: Downside to Laundry Ball
Anyway, the downside to the laundry ball is that after a period of time, the clothes aren't as white as with regular detergent. I add regular detergent to the wash to get an extra cleaning boost. I don't care for bleach but I use it once in a while to brighten my wash too. My understanding is the laundry ball neutralizes bleach and detergent but I haven't seen any science to prove it. I have read some studies that bleach actually breaks down into simple salts. For this reason, it isn't as bad for the earth as previously believed. I look forward to further research on bleach as a green cleaning product.

Otherwise, with the safety for the earth and the expense, I don't think the Miracle 2 laundry ball can be beat for a green cleaning product. Here is a website that carries the laundry ball. It has the best prices I found and seems to be a good company. However, I have not purchased from them so I can't recommend them.
I make all my own cleaning products now except for the laundry ball. The reason I dropped the rest of the Miracle 2 products is because of the shipping costs. I found it more cost effective to make my own products. Plus there is a reduction in carbon footprint because I use ingredients, like vinegar, which is distributed in bulk. Now my shipping cost is incorporated in bulk purchasing rather than individual purchasing. I try to consider all that is involved in my green cleaning products.
Click here to see our articles on Go Green in One Hour, How to Buy Organic Produce, Natural Sunburn Prevention and more on green cleaning products.