When you own a muscle car it's probably your pride and joy. However, after driving around for several weeks in this car it has probably accumulated a large amount of dirt and debris. Because of this many people take their muscle car into a professional car wash to have it cleaned. But did you know that you can professionally clean your muscle car with items that you have laying around your home? With everyday products and around an hour of free-time you can professionally clean your car, giving it the same shine as it did when you drove it off the lot.
Gathering Materials:
You will need several materials before you start cleaning your muscle car. These items are probably around you home, but if they aren't they can be purchased at Wal-Mart, or some other store, for under twenty dollars. Below are the materials that you will need to clean your muscle car:
· Window Cleaner. You can use Windex or some other glass cleaner. Make sure that the window cleaner has been formulated for no streaks.
· Soft cloth or towel. While you can use an everyday cloth for this job, it is suggested that you use a Chamois Cloth to clean your muscle car. You can find these types of cloths, which are sometimes called "Shammys" for under $7 after taxes.
· Household sponges and rags, which can also be purchased for under $5.
· Paper towels. If you don't have any paper towels you can use newspaper.
· Car Detergent. This may be your only item you have to buy, but again, it is not very expensive.
· Garden Hose.
· Bucket.
· Step Stool if you have a tall vehicle.

The Cleaning Process:
Once you have gathered all of the necessary materials, you can then begin cleaning your muscle car. Before you begin washing your muscle car, you will need to ensure that you have rolled up all of the windows, ensuring there are no cracks, and also securely shut all of the doors.
Start the cleaning process by rinsing the car off with the garden hose.

Rinse from the roof of the muscle car, moving down to the tires. Do not simply wash the sides of the car and then move sporadically to other parts of the vehicle, this can cause dirt to not be pre-rinsed off, which is why you want to do this, but rather the dirt can just be transferred to another part of the vehicle.
After you have done this, you will want to fill the bucket you gathered with water. Make sure that the water is warm, if possible, and then add the detergent (
car cleaner). You can use VERY mild dishwasher detergent to wash your muscle car, however, this can ruin the paint. It is always recommended that you use auto car detergent, which will protect the vibrancy of your paint.
With the sponge, or rag, begin to wash your muscle car. Always begin soaping up your car from the top to bottom, just like when you were pre-rinsing it. Wash your windows as well as your tires with this soap. Then you will want to rinse off the soap with your garden hose. Rinse top to bottom again.
If you have purchased the chamois cloth, or shammy, you will then want to begin drying off the vehicle. Always wipe in circular motions. You can use a soft towel for this process if needed. After the vehicle is completely dried, you will want to ensure you have not left any streaks. Sometimes you may have to re-wash your muscle car if there is a lot of dirt piled on top of the paint.
Clean the windows using your window cleaner and paper towels, or newspaper. Always wipe in a circular motion. You may need to treat your windows with a second application of window cleaner.
Once you have completed this step you will have a professionally cleaned muscle car without having to pay in upwards of $20. Many people find that washing their muscle car is a great way to relax and it also creates a special bond between the owner of the car and the vehicle itself. Put on some music and have fun while cleaning up your unique muscle car.