A few simple steps to take for a better house cleaning
Today I'm going to be looking at number 10 on the list of "13 Things Your Housecleaner Won't Tell You," part of a segment put together by Reader's Digest and featured on Good Morning America.Number 10 on the list suggests that you should "Pick your clothes up off the floor, get your dishes out of the sink, and clean up your kids' toys. Your house will end up a lot cleaner."
I think this particular suggestion makes a lot of sense. The easier it is for the housecleaner to get the job done, the better the job you can expect. Don't mistake this to mean that you need to have an easy house to clean or the job won't get done. This advice simply means that, if you take a few minutes to pick up the house before we arrive, it will allow us to provide the additional level of detail that you are expecting and deserve!

I often chuckle to myself with the number of calls we take in our office where a client will need to reschedule a cleaning because they have not had a chance to pick up the house prior to our arrival.With that said, it does show you that most of our clients get the idea that a more organized home will result in a higher level of service when we visit.
You don't have to clean the house prior to our arrival after all, that's our job! Taking the time to do the dishes will allow us to clean the sink completely.Spending the time picking up the kids' toys will allow us to get more detailed with our dusting or vacuuming the entire carpet. Even somethingas simple as doing minor cleaning between visits will help us be more efficient when doing the work. More efficient means less time to do the job. Less time means a savings for you on the cost of cleaning.

I wrote in a previous blog about how the price is determined for house cleaning. In that post I discussed how one of the factors used to determine the price is "how much stuff is there to work around?" So
,number 10 on the list is true. Do a few things to make the house easier to clean and it will only benefit you in the long run.
Please check back tomorrow when I'll discuss the topic "If you leave your personal life out for us to see, we most definitely will talk about you. We may even send pictures to our friends and relatives." This Just happens to be number 11 on the list of "13 Things Your Housecleaner Won't Tell You."